Lectures & Workshops

Caryl Ehrlich is currently available for speaking engagements, lectures, and workshops

If you belong to a group or organization that has guest speakers, consider having Caryl speak at one of your gatherings about her many years of experience in helping people with their problems of food addiction.

Caryl has written two books on the subject of changing habits around eating, as well as many articles on the topic of behavior modification. She has appeared many times on radio and television to discuss this topic and has conducted workshops at corporations, bookstores, department stores, libraries, synagogues and churches, as well as on Riker’s Island.

Corporate speaking engagements have include Bloomberg Radio, Lord & Taylor Department Store, Orion Pictures, Accessory Brainstorms and Doral Hotels, among many others.

Radio and television speaking engagements include Today in NY, the Ann Tripp Show, the Alan Colmes Show, and others. Caryl had her own show, Changing Habits with Caryl Ehrlich, on WMCA Radio in New York City, as well as a 30-minute cable show on Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN) with the same name.

If you’re searching for someone to speak at your company, club or organization, please contact Caryl.

Conquer Food